Hello citizens of the world, we're Anonymous Ukraine. #OpIndependence continues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDemzizdnh8&feature=youtu.be http://pastebin.com/2Lzc9yUj http://pastebin.com/J3KwVycZ http://pastebin.com/HAm8yUcp Today we've tango down the web-server of Ministry of Defence of Estonia. Check it out here https://www.kaitseministeerium.ee We want NATO leadership to hear our voice, the voice of the Ukrainian people. We do not need to be servants of NATO. Ukrainians do not want to die for interests of NATO member states. Ukraine does not need NATO. Ukraine does not need European Union. Ukraine does not need Russia. Ukraine should not be anybody's servant. We stand for independent Ukraine. Hands off Ukraine! #OpIndependence To be continued…